I'm back... again.
Imagine, build, iterate, improve, destroy, reimagine, re-build, iterate, etc.
After some serious consideration, it was clear that the blog's previous direction was, well, unclear. To course-correct, I will use this post to introduce myself, discuss my background, review the journey of the Custom Shop, and indulge a bit about what the future of this forum will hold. I will also make my best effort to do something I'm bad at: be concise.

In the future, this will not often be a space for my introspection and reflection on the goings-on in the world. Rather, this blog will contain content that relates to the following: graphic design and garment decorating, business growth and development, the Tracknasty Custom Shop Journey, reviews and discussions about equipment and other resources used in the industry, and occasionally resources for felons looking to make their way which I'll expound on later in this post. Future posts will also likely contain affiliate links which we will disclose in those headings.
Who I am and Where I've Been
My name is Joshua Track. I generally go by Josh, but I'm not particular. When I was in prison from 2006 to 2009, I earned the nickname "Tracknasty." This is the last remaining relic of my time spent there. I am the owner, operator, and namesake of the Tracknasty Custom Shop.
I left a re-entry facility in March 2009 with a bag of clothes, a few books, and a fifty-dollar gate check.
Fast-forward a few years, I earned a Bachelor's in Math with a minor in Creative Writing, a Master's in Management and Leadership, and landed a (mostly) pretty cushy corporate job. My criminal record was expunged after several years, an arduous process, and more money than I'd ever spent in a single sitting before. In 2021 in the throws of the pandemic, I started the Tracknasty Custom Shop as a creative outlet and a means by which to generate a few extra bucks.
The Tracknasty Custom Shop Journey
When we started in 2021, we were a print-on-demand-only shop. This allowed us to keep start-up costs exceptionally low and test-market some of our designs to see which products suited us best. After some growth and some organic effort, we acquired equipment to bring production in-house. This allowed us to prototype, customize, and optimize our costs. We still use POD as a supplement when we hit production caps. Three cheers for progress and modest growth!
I've always had a bad sense of humor, I've always enjoyed making art, and it feels good putting something out into the world. The ambition has been since the beginning to double our revenue every year, which we're proud to say we've done thus far. Despite some pauses, hiccups, difficulties, artistic blocks, routine lack of direction, and not knowing a damn thing about web development or eCommerce, we've hit Etsy Star Seller status several times, expanded our product offering, and established multi-channel fulfillment.
During this time, we've learned a lot about the industry, and we feel like sharing some aspects of our journey might be helpful to others. We intend to share our learnings and hopefully bring some value back to the space.
Where We're Going
We are still a very modest shop with very modest revenue. We are by no means 'the best in the business,' but what we do offer is a quality product with a personal touch at a very competitive price, and we intend to keep it moving. There won't be any 'get rich quick' stuff here, there will be plenty of information about resources for graphic design, small business growth, product reviews, and occasionally resources and guidance for felons who are working hard to get a leg up.
This year (2024) is shaping up to be our biggest year yet. We have some plans to open up a few more sales channels this year and expand our offering with more designs, products, and services. This is an exciting time and since we've made it almost three solid years without burning all the way out, it only seems right to keep on trucking.
If you're new here, please consider following us on Facebook or Instagram. If you're interested in a free quote for custom merchandise including t-shirts or hats or if you need a reasonably-priced graphic design service: drop us a line here. Thanks for reading. I look forward to sharing our journey with you.